Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Music Genome Post

For my music genre project, I chose techno. I've heard of techno before, but I've never really listened to it, and this time, while I was searching for information and songs about techno, it caught my interest. I think techno is catchy and fun to listen. They are the perfect songs for when you feel like dancing, or at a party or whenever. I think I did well on this project, because I was interested in the subject. I used Microsoft Powerpoint and iMovie. I spent about 6 hours on this project, but in the end it was all worth it. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

IMovie Project

Recently we have continued and finished the IMovie project storyboard. Our group chose art as our subject, and this time, we have interviewed a couple of art students and one art teacher. We asked them a few simple questions- "What is your favorite part of art class?" and "Do you want to use it in the future?" They answered very well. Then we put the clips together, mixing a couple of art slide-shows also, and finished our project. Our group members were me, Lindsay, and Ava. I think we did a good job overall, and I am looking forward for another project like this one. :)