Monday, September 27, 2010

Voice Podcast

We did the voice podcast project last week, and basically I just chose a movie, recorded my voice, and added pictures and music to it.  
1.  What tools and techniques did you use to create your podcast?
I used GarageBand, Itunes, and Quicktime Player to create my podcast. Mainly I used GarageBand, and in that I added songs from the library to my podcast.
2.  How could you use a project like this in other classes?

I could use a project like this by using it in another project or assignment. Or while I am presenting something.
3.  In the “real world”, how could podcast projects be used (In what careers/businesses, etc.)? 

They could be used in radio stations and some TV channels.
4.  What part of the assignment was easy for you?   What was difficult?

The easiest part was putting the music and pictures together. The difficult part was recording my voice, because I kept messing up.
5.  What part of the directions would you like to clarify?

Not much really, because GarageBand was pretty easy to figure out, but the directions did help. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Slide-show Entry

I wasn't here for most of the time when we were assigned to the side-show project, but I did help with a thing or two.  Lindsay was the leader of us 3-people group, I was the creative director (at least I think that was what my role was called), and Ava was the information specialist. Lindsay chose Art for our group, which was perfect, since I love anything that has to do with art. We put a couple of information and pictures together, and before I knew it, the slide-show was pretty much done. The backgrounds we chose were pretty cool, some were abstract and others were geometric designs. The next time when we were doing something like this, I'm gonna try my best to at least be here, choose stuff, and participate more. :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

IPhoto Name Blog

Recently we did a project on finding your name with nature pictures. I think this is my favorite project to do in Technology class so far! :) I loved it. I'm into creative projects, so this is like a breath of fresh air for me, since so many of my teachers like us to do boring projects. I spent a lot of time finding the pictures, but in the end it was all worth it. Then I put it in Iphoto, and  inserted my favorite song in the background- Say by John Mayer. I hope the projects we do in the future will be as fun as this one.

M&M Project

I had fun during the M&M project. Partly because I got to eat them, but the other part is because I have learned how to use Microsoft Excel. I've never used it before, but Lindsay taught me how, and I used it for the first time. Creating the pie chart for the data was somewhat a challenge for me, but I managed to do it in the end. I think Excel is a good program to use, and I'm sure we'll use it more in the future. I wish we can have more projects like this. This project was kind of easy, but fun. :)

Charity Letter/Mail Merge

My charity's name is Make-a-Wish Foundation. I used Microsoft Word and Excel for this project. The easiest part was choosing which charity to do. The most difficult one was writing the letter. After doing this, I have learned that maybe I would like to participate in a charity event later on in the future. This helped me to choose appropriate words to use in a business situation, and I could apply what I learned later. I didn't know what the charity's purpose was before, but after this project, I learned that it is a charity whose purpose is to help sick children to fulfill their wishes.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mail Merge

Yesterday in Technology class, we were told to make a charity letter using Word and then create an address list using Excel. The address did not take me too long to make, but the letter did. Then, Mrs. Brown asked us to mail merge it. I didn't understand what she meant, and so I didn't finish it, yet. I have Technology next period, so I guess I have to do that. I've done part of the mail merge, and I don't see how it's too hard. Lindsay, who is sitting next to me, has been complaining about it. :)